Saturday, February 15, 2014

Prahova Valley

80-120km from the capital city Bucharest,Prahova Valley is one of the most sought of destination by tourists ,both Romanian and foreighn.At the hills of the Bucegi Mountains,it has three major ski resorts,Sinaia,Busteni and Azuga.Here,both in winter and summer,you will find a lot of people who come to enjoy the peace and serenity that nature has to offer.In summer,from these resorts you can choose a multitude of trails in the forests of the Bucegi Natural Park,cabble cart rides that go all the way up to the top of the mountains,go mountain biking on properly built trails,or,for the more experienced,rock climbing on all difficulty routes.
Below there's a link to the valley map ,with all its cities and acces ways:
Ok,so,enough ambout my town.It is very important to me,but this was made for others to see the beauty,culture,and everything else that our country has to offer,and show you places and traditions most people dont know exist anymore.


Busteni is also a rapid growing ski resort.It has two slopes with both real and artifficial snow,that satisfy the needs of skiers and snowborders alike.
It also has a winter funpark,a gondole,and has been the proud organiser of the Ice Climbing World Cup Finals for the last four years.


Busteni may be small,but it has a farely active night life.
I will post a link to all the clubs and pubs in Busteni,so that if you ever find yourselves in our town ,and in need of a good night fun,you will know where to go.I chose to post a link instead of whriting a list here,because i don't what to be acused of letting anyone out. So,here it is:

Friday, February 14, 2014


Busteni has numerous hiking trails and climbing routes,both for begginers and for the more advanced.
All year round ,mountain lovers come here to get away from the noise of the cityes,regardeless of them being just hikers or proffesional climbers.
It also has a lot of mountainbike and atv trails to choose from,weather you are a novice or a more experienced rider!
Below is a link of just one of the hundreads of hiking trails.Enjoy!!
Hiking trail in BUCEGI MOUNTAINS
The ,,Cezar Petrescu '' memorial home is part of the National History and Archeology Museum.
The known writter bought the house in 1937 and lived here for the rest of his life!

Castelul Cantacuzino
Castelul Cantacuzino a fost cladit in anul 1911 in parcul al carui proprietar a fost Printul Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino zis “Nababu” din cauza averii sale impresionante. Se spunea ca ar fi putut pava intreaga curte aferenta castelului cu monedele sale de aur. Castelul este inconjurat de cascade, grote si fantani arteziene si este in topul primelor castele din Romaniadin punct de vedere architectural. Castelul a functionat ca sediu al Sanatoriului Ministerului de Interne, apoi in anul 2008 a fost cumparat de catre un grup de investitori si repus in circuitul turistic.
Another monument from Busteni,this time made by Mother Nature,is the ,,Urlatoarea'' watefall.Located on the foothills of the Bucegi Mountains,it is one of the most beautiful watterfalls in Romania. Its name,witch in english translates ,,The Howler'',comes from  the sound the watter makes ,breaking on the rocks below it.
It is visited,anually,by more than 30.000 people,who come here in search of a refreshing,stress reliefing hike.